Police and comedian have difficulty finding places.

In my previous post I argued that we have a problem with addresses. Michale McIntyre puts the same argument in a much more entertaining way.

The Police in the UK are fully aware of the problem explained by Michael McIntyre and have proposed to people the use What 3 Words. when people need their assistance. While I salut this initiative of the Police to help find places. It might be a more useful system to use than Open Location Code (OLC) which I argued for in my previous posts.

I still think OLC is a better system for building an addressing system. However, in an emergency situation saying three words down the telephone is easier than saying a string of letters and numbers. Horses for courses as the British say. However, Google maps is on every phone nearly while W3W is not. So it may be more productive for the police and emergency services to promote the use of OLC.

What do you think is the better system for emergency use considering the arguments above?

In the next post I will talk about other problems the use of OLC may create if used as an addressing system.

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